Meet for warm-up sessions at the Cordova Hospital parking lot 45 minutes prior to each event. A bus will then shuttle participants to their start line.

The Race:
A pristine wilderness surrounds you as you run past glaciers, snow-capped mountains, rivers and lakes, cheered on by soaring eagles and nesting trumpeter swans. Start times are staggered as follows:

King Salmon Marathon: 7:00am
Sockeye 1/2 Marathon: 9:00am
Coho 10K: 10:00am
Humpy 5K: 10:15am
One Mile Salmon Fun Run/Walk: 10:30am

The Finish Line:
You will be greeted with chums, cheers, beverages, fresh fruit, and massages.

Awards Banquet:
At 6:00pm, medals and certificates will be awarded at the Orca Cookhouse while you dine on our famous Copper River Salmon. Cost will be $10 per person or $25 per family, to be paid at the door. Cars will be available to drive out of town runners to banquet. Banquet located two miles outside of town.

Race History | Race Course | Events | Travel | Registration

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