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Press Release - Twin Cities Marathon - 7/14/08

   Salazar Named Honorary Captain of the 2008 Medtronic Global Heroes
1984 Olympian will join 25 runners benefiting from medical technology at 
                  Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon events

MINNEAPOLIS - (July 14, 2008) - The Medtronic Foundation and Twin Cities 
Marathon, Inc., have announced that 1984 U.S. Olympian and marathon great 
Alberto Salazar will serve as the honorary captain of the 2008 Medtronic 
Global Heroes and will run in the Medtronic TC 10 Mile. Salazar will lead a 
group of 25 Global Heroes - long distance runners who benefit from medical 
technology - who are preparing to run either the Medtronic Twin Cities 
Marathon or Medtronic TC 10 Mile on Sunday, Oct. 5, 2008. Salazar had a 
Medtronic implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) implanted following 
sudden cardiac arrest in 2007.

In its third year, the Medtronic Global Heroes program celebrates the 
accomplishments of runners who enjoy the benefits of medical devices to 
treat conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, spinal disorders, chronic 
pain or neurological disorders, and whose continued passion for running 
serves as an inspiration to others. Salazar and Medtronic Global Heroes 
share the same goal - helping runners assisted by medical technology 
understand that it is possible to continue to run, pursue personal goals 
and lead full, active lives.

"We are thrilled to have a runner of Alberto Salazar's caliber captaining 
this year's Global Heroes," said Dr. Stephen Oesterle, senior vice 
president of medicine and technology at Medtronic. "His continued 
commitment to the sport serves as an inspiration to runners around the 
world, and especially to runners diagnosed with chronic medical 

An accomplished runner, Salazar, 49, competed in the 1984 Olympics and won 
three consecutive New York City Marathons (1980-82) and the 1982 Boston 
Marathon. He now trains professional U.S. runners as coach of Nike's Oregon 

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