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Press Release - Berlin Marathon - 9/24/04

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                        FELIX THE GIANT KILLER

Berlin, Friday Sept 24, 12.30gmt

Not many athletes can count a victory over Haile Gebrselassie at the 
Ethiopian’s peak, but Felix Limo is a rare example. The Kenyan matched the 
multi-medallist and world record holding Ethiopian stride for stride in the 
Nijmegen 15k in 2001, and came away with a world record of his own, 41min 
29sec for the distance. 
"Initially, I didn't want him to beat me by a big margin," recalls Limo of 
the race in the Netherlands. "I would have been happy with two or three 
seconds behind, but when we got to three kilometres from the end, he wasn't 
'going'. It was the same with one kilometre to go, and 500 and 300 metres, 
he wasn’t moving. When I reacted, he didn’t follow me."
Now Limo is lining himself up against another all-time great.  Paul Tergat 
isn't running the real,-Berlin Marathon this year, but it's Tergat's world 
record 2hr 04min 55sec from last year that Limo has in his sights in the 
German capital tomorrow (Sunday).
Limo, 24, already has the fastest marathon time of the year, his 2hr 06min 
14sec victory in Rotterdam in early April. But the example of his seven 
Kenyan colleagues, including Tergat, who have won here in the last nine 
years, has brought him to Berlin with ambitions to go a lot faster. "I'm 
not preparing for the world record, I'm just coming to win the race, and at 
least improve my time. I'm 80 seconds outside the record. So many people 
have come here, and run their fastest time, so why not me?"
On paper, his only real adversaries would appear to be two compatriots, who 
have also run under 2.07 – Fred Kiprop, who won Amsterdam five years ago, 
in 2.06.47, and Wilson Onsare, third in Paris last year in the same time.  
But the consistency of the Japanese runners, although not quite as good as 
the women, means that Limo does not discount Shinichi Watanabe, 2.09.55 
this year, and Michitane Noda, 2.09.58 last year. 

"Onsare is the main threat, but I don't want to underestimate the Japanese 
guys, they might turn the tables," says Limo.



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