calendar icon Jun 18, 2024

Favorite Runs - Lake Scranton

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Location:Scranton, PA, USA
Description: 3.5 miles, hard pavement, around Lake Scranton. Rolling hills, plenty of parking, tons of shade, (except for a ½ mile which is a mercifully very flat part of the course) clearly marked miles for you to do splits.

If you get up there early enough there are plenty of deers, rabits and other critters to keep you company.
Before a run in the winter bring bird seed, the birds will eat out of your hand.

Though the lake is scenic and well maintained, it does not have bathrooms or water stops, so bring TP to duck into the bushes and your own water.

People who normally run the lake know to leave thier water bottles near where they enter. But make sure to take your bottle with you and not to litter.

Make sure to park in the main parking lot, which is right up the road from the "Lookout." Do not park along the highway, because cars have been broken into. The main parking lot has ample space, a better tread trail to the course and is safer.

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