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   America's Marathon Man - Jerry Dunn

Jerry Dunn - America's Marathon Man

Last year, Jerry Dunn's Motto was 200 in 2000. That 200 referred to the number of runs of marathon distance (on certified courses) that Jerry planned to complete. While most people would think that Jerry was crazy, Jerry was out to prove that anything is possible [just as many of us complete one marathon to prove the same thing]. On his journey, Jerry was dubbed "America's Marathon Man" and received quite a following in the popular press.

We are fortunate that Jerry Dunn will be sharing his experience and wisdom with us here on While most of us will not run 200 marathons in a lifetime, we can all gain from Jerry's insights. Enjoy his writing below, and stay tuned for more articles every few weeks (or so).

Looking Back at 2001 (and looking forward)
After 200 marathons in 2000, Jerry notched 6 marathons in 2001. Here he discusses what running means to him and to us - the goals and the achievement - and his thoughts on running to have a good time as opposed to running to have a fast time...

Coming Back
Jerry Dunn ran the Marathon distance 200 times in 2000, proving that ordinary people can do extraordinary things. But, we all know what it feels like after running a marathon: we're tired, exhilirated, proud because we've accomplished our goal, but maybe now we need a little break. What does one feel after running 200 marathons - well multiply that times 200!

So, what's up with Jerry in 2001? After a recovery period, he's coming back - but coming back still takes work. Every marathoner can relate to these feelings - can't we?

We Still Run
With Spring coming along, Jerry waxes philosophic on why we run and what it means to run. Even with the world changing or crashing around us: we still run... And that says it all.

To Tell The Truth
When you do something incredible, like run 200 marathons in a year, people take notice - including the producers of TV Game Shows. So when Jerry is called to participate in the show, To Tell The Truth, the question becomes, is there anything that differentiates a true-marathoner from the imposters? Welcomes Jerry Dunn
In early February, we announced that America's Marathon Man would be contributing to Here is that announcement and a summary of Jerry's philosophy and experience.

Articles From the Popular Press - Jerry Dunn's Trek to 200
The Sydney Morning Herald (1/20/00)
Anchorage Daily News/ Nando (4/13/00)
Nando/AP (5/10/00)
The Salt Lake Tribune (7/23/00)
St. Louis Post-Dispatch (10/11/00)
New York Post (11/6/00)
St. Petersburgh Times (12/11/00)


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