calendar icon Jun 9, 2024

Favorite Runs - Hastings Marathon

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Location:Hastings, New Zealand
Description: The Hasting marathon starts from a little village called Havelock North 6km east of Hasting City, and is hosted by the HawkesBay Marathon clinic,Hasting New Zealand. The run takes you on a very senic run past the vinyards of Hawkes Bay for 15km then follows the Tukituki valley and river south. 7 hills are encountered between the 25 and 38km stages the longest a 1.5km steady climb. The road loops back toward Havelock North to fininsh at the Happy Tavern where all compeditors are made welcome and invited to par-take of the taverns patronage. A highly recommended marathon but not recommended for the first marathoner.The marathon take place on the last Sunday of August each year with an entry number of about 250 compeditors...
Iain Murray

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